How to thin Tamiya acrylic paints

Well, the best thinner for Tamiya acrylics is… Tamiya’s own thinner!

But if you enjoy mixing stuff, here is a cheap recipe I found a while ago on the Internet. I tried it several times and it works beautifully.

Water (25%) + isopropyl alcohol (75%) + a few drops of food grade glycerine.

The first time I tried it, I was able to prime two 1:35 tanks – with constant pauses (I even had to take a phone call that lasted a few minutes) – and my Iwata never had any kind of clogging during the 40 minutes of spraying session. I have recently filled a couple of one-liter bottles with the stuff spending just a few euros.


Another kind of thinner that works with Tamiya (I personally never tried it) is the thinner used for lacquer paints

Israeli afvs

xf-20 + xf-57 + xf-49

Olive Drab (Sinai War 1973)

Sand Grey (Six Days War 1961 to 1973)
xf-60 + xf-57

Sand Grey (Yom Kippur 1973)
xf-57 + xf-59 + xf-20

Sand Grey 3 (Lebanon 1982)

colours for an ARV – Recovery Vehicle (IDF)
xf-20 (2) + xf-49 (1)

Painting – Wood

• Use xf-52 as base colour. Once this has dried, a thin coat of Winsor & Newton 744 Yellow Ochre and 074 Burnt Sienna is applied with a broad brush. To get the wooden texture right, it is important to thin the paint with white spirit, but not so much that it becomes runny.